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Thursday Feb 6th - All Practices Canceled - Schools Closed

All gyms are closed Thursday Fr3 6th


Hi All,

A lot of info below regarding the upcoming season. If you have questions or wish to be removed from future emails, please reply here.

Registration is open for ALL programs for the 2024-2025 season. Below is some info and links to register for Rec Players, Coaches, Sponsors, Scorekeepers, Youth Referees.


Important Dates (subject to change)

11/15/2024 - Player Registration Closes

12/1/2024 - Coach & Sponsor Registration Closes

1/2/2025 - Coach/Uniform Meeting, 7:00, Harriton HS Large Group Instruction Room

1/6/2025 - Practices begin

1/11-12/2025 - Games Begin

3/8-9/2025 - Playoffs Begin (5th-12th grades)

3/15/2025 - Season Ends (1st-4th grades)



$160/player. We do offer financial assistance for anyone in need. Please email for a confidential request.

Rec Player 2025 Registration 

Please choose the correct grade link below and double check player grade within the registration form.

1st/2nd Grade Rec League -


3rd Grade Rec League -


4th Grade Rec League -


5th Grade Rec League -


6th/7th Grade Rec League -


8th-HS Grade Rec League -


Ball Size/Rim Height/Gameplay

1st-3rd grade will use a size 27.5 ball, sometimes noted as size 5. Baskets will be 8 feet.

All other ages will use a size 28.5 ball, sometimes noted as size 6. Baskets will be 10 feet

1-3rd grades will play 3v3, full court using the side baskets.

4th-12th grades will play 5v5 full court “regular” games.



1st-3rd Grade will have coaches “referee”.

4th grade will use exclusively teenage referees going through our Youth Referee Development program.

5th-12th grades will have paid referees which can include our more experienced youth refs as well as Adult PIAA certified refs.

If you are in 8th grade or older and wish to participate in our Youth Referee program, please sign up here:

Youth Ref Developmental Program Sign Up -


Practice/Game Locations & Times

All practices and games will be held in gyms throughout the Lower Merion school district. All practices will be held during the week for 1 hour and all games will be on the weekends. Practice night will be determined based on team assignment. You will note your weeknight availability when registering. 



We are always in need of volunteer coaches, especially moms and other female role models. Please consider registering as a Head or Assistant coach. No experience necessary – we will match you up with an experienced coach if necessary.

ALL coaches, new and returning, must register, and are required to complete a background check. If you have clearance from another organization, current documents must be uploaded during the registration process.

Coaches can request when registering to be paired together. A maximum of 2 coaches are permitted on the bench during games. Additional coaches/parents can help out at practice but must be formally registered.

Coach Sign Up -


Teammate Requests

We do not accept teammate requests. It is part of our philosophy that girls make new friends and play with different girls each year. We find this especially helpful when transitioning from elementary to middle school. While we do understand there are unique circumstances, and we will do our best to be accommodating, simply requesting to play with friends is not something we will accept


Happy Hooping!!